True Car Chase Movie Experience - Rediscover the cinematic action of Driver: licensed muscle cars, loose suspension, long drifts, sharp bends and high-speed pursuits in dense traffic.Maxmize The Wii In Co-Op - With drop in/out co-op throughout allowing both players the ability to shoot using a variety of weapons, the game is designed to incorporate traditional controls alongside interfaces available solely on this platform.Upgrade Abilities - A simple XP system allows both players to choose upgrades over time by completing 30 story missions, 10 larger critical missions and up to 30 optional side missions - plus 58 unique awards linked to in-game activities.Multiplayer Mayhem - Experience frantic and addictive 5 multiplayer game modes where you ram, shunt, boost and beat your friends to the finish line in offline split-screen (up to 4 players).
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